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The Ultimate Peepers Care Guide

We've provided a step-by-step guide to help you get the most out of your Peepers!



  • Get rid of everyday smudges by using a lens
    cleaning cloth. Don't have a cleaning cloth?
    Use a soft, clean cloth such as microfiber.

  • Keep lens cleaner on hand. Warm, soapy
    water can also be used as a substitute.

  • Avoid using rough fabric, tissues, or paper
    towel to prevent lens scratching.


  • Occasionally inspect screws and gently
    tighten using small eyewear screwdriver.

  • Resist the temptation to wear glasses on the
    top of your head - this places stress on the
    temples, potentially altering the frame shape.

  • Occasionally inspect screws and gently
    tighten using small eyewear screwdriver.

  • Resist the temptation to wear glasses on the
    top of your head - this places stress on the
    temples, potentially altering the frame shape.



  • When your glasses aren't in use, they should
    be in a case.

  • To Keep your glasses at hand when you're
    briefly not using them, try an eyeglass cord
    to keep your glasses safe and close.

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